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Know me through my challenges and what I’ve learned from them. Knowing that I have much more to learn.
I found New Thought during an unsettled time in my life when I wasn’t loving myself, and so of course I was not loving others. The book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle lead me through a back door into the Unity Church, and that lead me to the Science of Mind (SOM) teaching, after a few years of floating on my own.

My challenges were always concerning relationships. Relating to and expressing myself with friends, romantic partners, coworkers, family… you get my point. All relationships and social situations were a challenge, and I experienced anxiety and self abuse as I ran from the uncomfortable situations.

The SOM teaching tells me that I am a unique expression of Spirit. I am Perfection in this place called Patricia. This helps me to be easier with myself and others. We are all unique expressions of Spirit and we can all let our personality, including our feelings and emotions, resonate at our own unique frequencies knowing that all is well.

As I continue to know myself and open myself to others my life is becoming richer and more love filled.
Through SOM classes I was introduced to the book “Care of The Soul” by Thomas Moore. This book says to me that it is OK to feel whatever I feel, and to emote whatever needs emoting, and then come back to my spiritual center where Love, Peace & Harmony live within me. I can visit any state of mind, and know that I need to come back to the One Mind to know Wholeness.

Spirit in this teaching, in my spiritual family, family, and friends loves me back to center. Spirit in all forms tells me that I am OK and perfectly me at all times.
To add interests that I have in other areas, I studied chemistry and worked in that field most of my career. I really like physics and look forward to more study of the science in SOM. I am now retired and volunteering my time and energy with The Center of Peace, CSL. My Practitioner studies were completed in 2023 and I am grateful to be serving in this role.

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